Tecomar, a success story

Tecomar S.L. with NIF nº B-20071155 was incorporated in San Sebastián on March 21, 1981 with an indefinite duration.

The Company’s registered office is in Pasaia (Gipuzkoa), San Pedro Street No 12, where the offices are located, as well as a central warehouse.

The corporate purpose of Tecomar S.L. consists of advising and trading on its own account or on commission of spare parts and accessories for internal combustion engines, and in other activities related to it. The determination of the object does not limit the full legal capacity of the company to carry out any lawful acts and contracts, whether for the Ministry of Defense, Industry, Railways, etc.

Tecomar, company mission

The Management and Managers of the different areas are aware that the Quality offered to Clients is of utmost importance to achieve and maintain a competitive position in today’s market. Based on this consideration, Tecomar S.L. has defined its Company Mission as «Satisfying the client – within the framework of its activity- with Supplies and Services without Defects, within the established Deadlines and at the Lowest Cost».

In order to serve this policy, it has created an organization oriented towards Quality, and has opted to develop a Quality Assurance strategy based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 2015 and PECAL/AQAP 2110 standards.

Tecomar, certified quality

Within the framework of this Organization, all purchases, supplies and services will be subject to a set of procedures that constitute the Quality Assurance Management System of the aforementioned standard, which covers the purchase of products, their reception, storage and delivery to the client.